The Southern California Swing Dance
While what is now called West Coast Swing is a relatively modern development, there was a swing dance that developed in Newport Beach before Lindy Hop ever made it to the Pacific Shore. The chest to chest dance with fancy footwork called balboa was a staple of the dancers in the height of the swing era in southern california. By the late 1930's balboa, lindy hop, and a twisty, turny dance the kids just called "Swing" were all danced at ballrooms like the Rendezvous Ballroom all over the LA area. In the modern era, we call the original balboa dance "pure bal" and the moves of LA swing "bal-swing" and dance them together.
What might seem like a niche dance even within swing dancing has grown to have dancers and events all over the world today, two of the biggest being The California Balboa Classic in Newport Beach, and All Balboa Weekend in Cleveland, OH
For more information on the history of balboa and bal-swing, check out balboa teacher and historian Bobby White's blog Swungover at swungover.wordpress.com